
Annalisa Franco
ITALY Associate Professor in Computer Science and Engineering University of Bologna Extended Faculty
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Annalisa Franco is Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy. She received her Laurea degree cum laude in Computer Science in 2000 from the University of Bologna. In 2004 she received her Ph.D. in Electronics, Computer Science and Telecommunications Engineering at DEIS, University of Bologna for her work on Multidimensional Indexing Structures and their application is pattern recognition.
She is a member of the Biometric System Laboratory at Computer Science – Cesena. She authored more than 60 scientific papers and served as referee for a number of international journals and conferences. She has been invited speaker at several international conferences and events in the field of biometric recognition. Her research interests include Biometric Systems and in general Computer Vision Applications. Recent research activity is mainly focused on face recognition in the context of electronic ID documents.