Francesco Flammini is Full Professor of Computer Science with specialization in Cyber-Physical Systems at Mälardalen University (Sweden) and Technical Manager of the EU-funded RAILS research project on Artificial Intelligence in the railway sector. He was Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Cyber-Physical Systems Group at Linnaeus University (Sweden). He has worked for 15 years in private and public companies, including Ansaldo STS (now Hitachi Rail) and IPZS (Italian State Mint and Istituto Poligrafico), on large international projects concerning intelligent transport systems, critical infrastructure protection and cyber security, as a technical leader and head of unit. His most current research interests are in secure autonomous systems and trustworthy AI. He has been ACM Distinguished Speaker, IEEE Senior Member, Chairman of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee for Homeland Security. He is also a member of the ERCIM Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS). He is (co)author of more than 100 scientific publications and has been president, invited speaker, member of the steering committee/program and editor for several international conferences and journals sponsored by ACM/IEEE.