Riccardo Fini is Full Professor of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship and the Coordinator of the PhD Program in Management at the University of Bologna (UniBo). He serves as Director of the Entrepreneurship Hub at the Bologna Business School. Dr Fini holds a PhD in Management and a Laurea in Engineering and Management from UniBo. He’s Visiting Professor at Gent University (BE), Imperial College London (UK), and Nord University Business School in Bodø (NO). Before joining UniBo, he researched at Ecole des Mines Paris, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, University of Bozen, and Imperial College London. He’s a co-founder of the science-based spin-off Fieldrobotics.
The course, whose nature is predominantly applicative, aims to develop a practical orientation towards entrepreneurship, providing the strategic and operational tools for the creation of new ventures and their subsequent development.
Lectures and readings provide an introduction to the topics to be covered in a business plan:
This course provides a full overview of the strategic and operational planning tools of the business, through a guided illustration of the business plan, its contents, and the multiple purposes for which it may be usefully employed in both creating and developing a business.