
Andi Duqi
ITALY Professor of Banking and Finance University of Bologna Core Faculty
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Andi Duqi is Professor at the University of Bologna. From 2013 to 2018 he was appointed as Assistant Professor of Banking and Finance at the University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. His research focuses mainly on banking performance, banking efficiency, dividend policy, banking competition, microfinance and social impact finance. Andi Duqi obtained a Ph.D in Financial Markets and Intermediaries from University of Bologna in 2012 and he was a post-doc researcher at the same University in 2012-2013. He has been a Visiting Research fellow at the Bangor Business School and Nottingham Business School, United Kingdom.


The goal of this course is to set the basis and prepare the audience for this class to be effective leaders in a business landscape that involves data and analytics in different areas of management. The course will introduce a broad range of mathematical and statistical methods that are used to solve data problems. Participants will gain hands-on practice gathering and analyzing data sets and cases in dedicated lab sessions. The course is organized in three sub-sessions to set the bases of analytics into different key business areas: accounting, finance, and statistics for marketing. In the end, the student will have gain greater analytical and statistical skills for data analysis in the areas of cost management, financial analysis, and marketing analytics, and will be ready to face advance courses in each discipline. cs.

Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods
Food and Wine
Supercars, Superbikes and Motorsports
AI and Manufacturing
Sustainability and Innovation

This course will provide students with an overview of financial markets and the valuation of securities. The course will start presenting the financial system and a taxonomy of the type of securities traded in financial markets. The single asset classes will be then studied, including fixed-income and money market securities, equity instruments, mutual funds, financial derivatives, and hybrids.

Finance and Artificial Intelligence