
Gabriella  Crafa
Italia Co-Founder Vice President Diversity Extended Faculty

Gabriella Crafa is a business executive with over 20 years of experience leading international digital and tech enterprise projects across various sectors. Fifteen years ago, she founded Asap, a digital publishing company that, among others, publishes, the first and largest independent Italian magazine dedicated to the world of television series. She has also served as Senior Digital Manager at MSC Cruises, where she launched the first Worldwide Intranet. In addition to her professional achievements, she has a deep passion for civil rights. She is the Vice President of Diversity (, a non-profit organization committed to combating all forms of discrimination and promoting the value of diversity in media, businesses, and civil society. Since 2016, the Diversity Media Awards, known as the ‘Oscars of Inclusion,’ have promoted and rewarded media products that excel in inclusive representation of society, while the Diversity Brand Summit emphasizes the business value of D&I through the first national index dedicated to the impact of good practices on end consumers.


Cosa vuol dire Diversity & Inclusion in un contesto business? Che ruolo ha la classe manageriale? Il percorso formativo pone il focus sul valore etico e di business della Diversity&Inclusion (interno ed esterno), utilizzando case, best practice, ricerche internazionali e i dati del Diversity Brand Index (la prima ricerca italiana sul valore di business della D&I).