
Fabrizio Conicella
Head of Center for Open Innovation & Competence Chiesi Farmaceutici

Fabrizio Conicella is today Head of Open Innovation & Competence of Chiesi Farmaceutici. He covered the CEO position in  Life Science District, a Life Science Venture builder and he was  European and International Affairs manager of Cluster ER Health , general manager of OpenZone and Zcube and general manager of Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero, executive VicePresident of bioPmed innovation Cluster and ALISEI association and member of the managing board of 2i3t University of Torino Incubator and of Ephoran-MIS, offering also strategic expertise to different startups and organizations. He covered also positions in different companies, science parks  and organizations in project management, innovation management, business development, strategy development roles, etc. Over the years he has gained experience in supporting organizations and companies particularly in defining the innovation strategy and management,  business model and growth and go-to-market strategies, in the implementation of business development activities and  in evaluating projects and business plans. He is also university and MBA professor in Innovation management


The course aims at presenting, with a focus on life sciences, the major issues related to the management of research projects and the innovations resulting from these, as well as the pathways for enhancing the results, both through technological transfer paths that start up innovative businesses. Particular attention will be devoted to the analysis of the industrial aspects of these pathways and to the patent and commercial exploitation of the results of scientific research, including business start-ups.

Business Management – Life Science and MedTech