He was born in Alseno (Pc) in 1962, is married and has a son. After a debut in politics at the age of 18 as councillor for Youth Policies and Sport of the Alseno Municipality and several years of work in companies in the metal and woodworking sectors, in 1980 he took up trade union activities. In 1985, he joined the provincial secretariat of Fiom CGIL in Piacenza, a category that he then led as general secretary. In 1996, he became general secretary of the Chamber of Labour of Piacenza. In 2002, he was then elected to the secretariat of CGIL Emilia-Romagna, where he headed the organisation department for eight years. In 2010 he became regional secretary general of the CGIL Emilia-Romagna, a position he later confirmed at the regional congress in March 2014. On 29 November 2016, he was elected to the confederal secretariat of the national CGIL. From 24 January 2019 to February 2020 he serves as deputy general secretary of the CGIL with vicarious functions. In this capacity, he continues to follow the policies of networks, energy, the transport system, infrastructures, investee companies, industrial innovation, credit and the tertiary sector. In recent years, he has collaborated on various studies and research as well as journals both inside and outside the union.