
Chiara Sonaglioni
ITALY Consultant Freelence Extended Faculty
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Chiara started working in the telecommunications sector at Vodafone: a fundamental period in her career path where she trained agility, tenacity, speed and orientation to customer. In 2007 she went to Bologna in Automobili Lamborghini (Volkswagen Group). The automotive sector has been a second professional school: from Lean production models to Industrial Relations, up to 360 ° management of the Employee Journey and focus on innovation projects and digitalization. In over twenty years of experience, she has gained a broad and complete vision of Human Resources function: both through direct management experiences of staff and in staff roles where she followed all phases of the Employee Journey also with the involvement of external stakeholders. She deeply investigated the organizational culture linked to the Corporate Strategy and to the implementation of Leadership models.

She returned to Venice in 2020 and since the beginning of 2021, as a freelance, she has been dealing with Business Coaching and management training projects and she collaborate as consultant with the Human Resources function of many companies.