
Carla Cacciotto
Junior Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals University of Bologna
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Carla Cacciotto, PhD, is a junior assistant professor in Infectious Diseases of Domestic Animals at the Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine of the University of Bologna. She’s involved in the BBS with a project about the One Health approach in Business models for sustainability. Biotechnologist, over the course of her career she worked in several research institutions, mainly addressing her research to the study of the pathogenic mechanisms of infectious diseases and the development of diagnostic and prophylactic tools for their control. Moreover, she works on the application of the One Health approach for pathogen surveillance programs, impacting veterinary and Public health, zoonosis, emerging and re-emerging animal and human diseases. Indeed, she’s an active member of the Mediterranean Center for Disease Control, and she takes part to UniBo One Health international initiative, such as the ELEPHANT (Empowering universities’ Learning and rEsearch caPacities in the one Health Approach for the maNagement of animals at the wildlife, livestock and human interface in souTh Africa) project and the Una Europa.