
Paolo Borghi
ITALY Full Professor of Food Law and of EU Agricultural Law University of Ferrara Visiting Faculty
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Paolo Borghi is full professor of Food Law and of EU Agricultural Law at the University of Ferrara, and a specialized lawyer, assisting and providing legal advice to outstanding food business operators, in Italy and abroad (Germany, Portugal, China). He is co-founder and board member of AIDA-IFLA (Italian Food Law Association) and board member of the CSDA (Comunità scientifica di diritto agrario). He’s co-director of two well-known Italian food law journals (“Rivista di diritto alimentare” and “Alimenta”), editor of the “Trattato di diritto alimentare italiano e dell’Unione europea”, co-director of the book series “Studi di diritto agrario e alimentare”, and author of hundreds of scientific essays and of some books in the area of law. Formerly Director of the European Documentation Center of the University of Ferrara and coordinator of the PhD program in EU Law of the same University. He’s got a PhD at the University of Pisa and appointed as “Ordinary Academic” of the “Accademia dei Georgofili” (Florence).
He’s all-round music enthusiast and basketball fan.


On the basis of a general knowledge of the EU institutional framework and of the relationship between EU and national law, the course (1) deals with the basis of the market- and risk regulation in the food and wine sector, (2) deepens some of the most business-sensitive and innovation-related issues of such area of law and (3) discusses with students some most relevant case law.

Food and Wine

The major part of the EU and national food law is structured around the concept of food safety and the legal principles aiming at guaranteeing a reliable risk assessment and an effective risk management. Apart from the food-related issues of quality and intellectual property, the most important “building materials” of the food law are acts establishing the legal principles of food safety, and the administrative procedures and business processes concerning the food safety and the crisis management in that field. More, the entire harmonized regulation concerning the circulation of food in the internal market actually stems from the need to get over national legislations and obstacles driven by food safety concerns; and aims at making it work by harmonizing the safety rules and requirements.
The objective of this course is to give participants the tools to fully understand all the mechanisms above.

Food Innovation and Regeneration