
Chiara Berti
Italy Management Consultant and Co-Founder Mediterranei Extended Faculty
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Her interests revolve around innovation and management. Since 2012 she works at the Department of Management at the University of Bologna and since 2019 at Bologna Business School. She is a co-founder of Mediterranei, a digital cooperative, and she is board member of Acer Promos for the Metropolitan City of Bologna.After graduating cum laude in “Management and Marketing” at the University of Bologna, she began conducting research activities in Paris, Bologna, L’Aquila, and Pisa. She has won several scholarships and research grants both internally and externally within the academic world.
She has several scientific publications to her credit, participation in various European projects, and consulting activities for private and public companies, including local authorities, ANCI, and non-profit organizations. She works as Health City Manager and Sustainable Manager for private entities and the public sector.
She has revitalized the university community as President of the Almae Matris Alumni of the University of Bologna, where she continues her commitment on the Board of Directors as Past President. She is involved in various local volunteer associations, dedicating herself to building a more inclusive community for Alessandro, Francesco, and future citizens.