Russell James

Russell James Bekins
USA Communication Coach WordWorks-Express your Business Adjunct Faculty
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Russell Bekins is a business communication coach for WordWorks and attractions design consultant. He developed and wrote the text for his course, Personal Brand for the Digital Marketing and Communications master, which focuses on in-person communication skills. From Los Angeles, Mr. Bekins worked for many years in the movie industry, honing his storytelling skills at Creative Artists Agency and Disney. In Italy, he also works as a concept designer for museums, theme parks as well as experience marketing exhibits, and his designs have won awards from ParksMania. He has a Masters of Fine Art in theatre direction from UCLA, and is an avid photographer.


The goal of the course is to give the participants a toolbox of techniques to apply in personal communications. Vital among these is providing tools for analysing, comparing and contrasting yourself with your audience. A series of techniques for lateral thinking and persuasion in the context of personal communication will be reviewed. The scope of these final meetings will be preparing for the job interviews demanded by the placement process at BBS. To this end, a series of “mock interviews” will be executed by professionals in the HR and Marketing fields.

Digital Marketing and Communication
Applied Marketing and Sales
Analytics and AI for Marketing