29 November 2021

Meeting up to work together, side by side, is still an experience we cannot take for granted. This year’s Executive MBA (20th edition) group proved to be particularly close-knit, thanks also to the choice of highly engaging activities. The Master’s Program will start in a few days and the warm-up that took place on Thursday with the participants, in the beautiful setting of Podere San Giuliano, was intense, fun, and exciting.

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The participants, led by Andrea Lipparini, Professor of Strategy at the University of Bologna and Scientific Director of the Executive MBA, got a taste of the challenges that await them over the next 15 months and proved to be ready and motivated. A metaphor of a challenging path, ready to test their ability to work as a team, was above all the team-building phase, which saw the new recruits engaged in a cooking experience that they will not forget.

After the introduction by Andrea Lipparini and the experiential coaching session led by Marco Marchegiani, Skills Trainer, Business Coach, and Improv Performer, the participants were divided into four teams, or rather four kitchen brigades, each dedicated to the preparation of a course that would be part of the dinner for the whole group. The four brigades were led by Chef Federica Frattini, a point of reference and source of valuable advice so that the teams could not only coordinate internally, but also with each other, taking into account the resources to be used and the time required to prepare each course.

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The success of the teamwork, which was also the subject of the work with Marchegiani, who simulated the life of the team and the actions-reactions at the heart of business dynamics thus offering a foretaste of the strong involvement of this journey, allowed the team to finally enjoy an excellent dinner.

One of the most appreciated speeches was that of Franco Valentini, who took part in the event representing the BBS Alumni Association, illustrating the mission and initiatives of the young, but already rich in ideas, Association, which promotes networking events between Alumni and participants of BBS courses.

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The Executive MBA is just one of the BBS courses dedicated to professionals. Enrolments are still open for the Executive MBA (International edition) and the Hybrid MBA (International edition), two innovative programs that focus on new technologies and internationalization.


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