Italy Meets the USA

Feb 14 2017 - 8.00 AM - North Tower, 10th Floor 60 Columbus Circle New York

The Italian Business & Investment Initiative, lead by Fernando Napolitano, has organized the VI Summit to increase the opportunities of cooperation between Italy and USA. A specific focus will be placed in: Energy, Supporting the investments policies, Automotive, Telecom / Infrastructures, Life Science, and Food & Beverage.

Our Dean, Massimo Bergami, will be part of the panelist talking about:
Food and Beverage An Italian landmark in a market full of opportunities

MODERATOR: Pimm Fox, Bloomberg Media

Massimo Bergami, Dean Bologna Business School
Nicola Farinetti, CEO, Eataly
Vittorio Giordano, Vice President, Urbani Truffle USA Corporation Sandro Sartor, CEO, Vino Ruffino (Constellation) 


Stefano Bonaccini, Governor of Emilia Romagna and President of Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces will provide a perspective on the Italian Regions’ investment climate.

Also, during the event the IRG index (Influence, Relevance and Growth), which analyzes and ranks the drivers for the development of a country, industry, city and company, will be presented.


Download the complete agenda of the summit.


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