Innovation Talks, Spring Edition 2021

Apr 23 2021 - 6 pm- Via Zoom

The meetings about the challenges of change are back with a new series that is even more accessible, and international.

 In this first 2021 series, the Innovation Talks will feature the participation of leading Italian and international personalities from the worlds of enterprise, research, and the institutions, who will be ready to share their perspectives on topics such as innovation and the need to build new models for an efficient economic and social relaunch within a context that, by now, we know very well. 


The program of this spring series includes 5 virtual meetings, that will always take place at 6.00 p.m. on the day:

  • 23rd April Cosimo Malesci – Startupper, Fluidmesh
  • 4th May Anna Masutti – President, RFI – Reti Ferroviarie Italiane (Italian Railways) with Vera Fiorani CEO, RFI
  • 10th May Mark Esposito – PhD, Harvard University – Industry 4.0
  • 14th May Walter Pecorella – CTO, Thales Alenia Space 
  • 28th May Federico Ferrini – Managing Director, Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (Ctao)

And starting from this spring edition, the Innovation Talks will feature interesting new features

The first is the simultaneous translation from Italian into English and vice-versa, which will enable the entire Community to follow the events, in the spirit of the ever-increasing internationalization. The second concerns the live streaming: all meetings, which will always be held remotely, will be broadcast live on BBS social media. 


Alumni, participants and students will be able, as usual, to register on our Community portal in order to be able to actively participate in the meetings on Zoom. Anyway, all events will be visible to the audience by simply connecting to our social media. 


We eagerly await you.