Paul Tucker guest at Bologna Business School

Nov 27 2019 - 6 pm - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani - Via degli Scalini, 18 - Bologna

Wednesday, November 27, Bologna Business School will host Paul Tucker, a well-known British economist and Vice-Governor of the Bank of England during the years of the crisis.

His speech will focus on the “unelected powers” that give the title to his book “Unelected Power: The Quest for Legitimacy in Central Banking and the Regulatory State”. At the center of his investigation, the role he defined as “all-encompassing” conferred on central banks for over a decade considered as the only body capable of solving all the problems of productive and economic nature of the States.

An obvious case, according to Tucker, is that of the European Central Bank, whose function of defining the economic and monetary policy of the countries belonging to the European Community has in several stages translated into a series of broader measures, with direct repercussions also on the life of individual citizens.

Technocrats and bankers, says Tucker, chosen by governments and not by the people who, despite the initial goal of healing the economy and limiting inflation, end up exercising a centralizing power that has more full consequences on the redistribution of wealth.

A situation that implies a global rethinking of the composition of the control bodies of economic policy, a theory that Tucker will present during the November 27 meeting.


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