Building an International Career: Insights from the United Nations

Feb 06 2025 - 5 pm CET - via Microsoft Teams

Join the event ‘Building an International Career: Insights from the United Nations’ on Thursday, 6 February 2025, at 5 pm (CET), online via the MS Teams platform.

Discover the future trends, challenges and perspectives to plan your global professional journey with Lucrezia Pala, Talent Management Specialist at the United Nations World Food Programme and BBS Alumna.

During this inspiring session, Lucrezia will share her journey and experiences within the United Nations. She will explain the internal career opportunities within each UN agency and programme, including advice on job interviews, career development paths and contract peculiarities.


Ludovico Bullini Orlandi and Claudia Manca | Directors of the Master in Human Resources and Organization, Bologna Business School


The event will be held in English language.

To participate, please fill out the registration form.