Bibimbap “UNcatering” // Food Hackathon 2014

May 08 2014 - Bologna Business School - Villa Guastavillani, Via degli Scalini 18, Bologna

Alma Graduate School and Future Food Institute will give life to a second edition of Bibimbap, with a complete new challenge: hacking the food services.

Thursday, May 8 and Friday, May 9, Alma Graduate School will host the second edition of Bibimbap – Food Hackathon, which theme is “Uncatering”, new ideas for the food service industry.interamente dedicato alla ristorazione collettiva. More than 100 students, professors, international mentors, experts and entrepreneurs will work together to create innovative solutions to change the old paradigms of the traditional catering.

In cooperation with Future Food Institute.



08.30 am opening welcome desk: registration / distribution hack kit / networking
09.30 am breakfast // mini lectio: methods
10.00 am Bibimbap ! Let’s hack ! Beginning of work // Intro speech: framing the issue // warm up!
11.00 am ice breaking games

11.15 am shaping and shaking ideas [group of 3]
11.45 am Dot-mocracy // ideas pre-selection
12.15 am team building // naming framing the issue // warm up!
01.00 pm Group Beginning of work // Intro speech: framing the issue

01.30 pm lunch // mini lectio: methods
02.45 pm back to work!
03.00 pm ice breaking games
03.30 pm Group Beginning of work // Intro speech: framing the issue
04.00 pm first pitch: drama presentation

04.15 pm let’s work on the idea: impact / users / needs [which problem are you solving which is the target] // prototype: how it works + how it looks, in 100 words description and visualization
6.00 pm speaker’s spice 1 (7 min.)


No registration form set, contact us for more information.