The digital transformation involves a profound change of business activities and processes, skills and business models, which brings with it the possibility to take full advantage of the opportunities given by a mix of digital technologies and their accelerated impact on society and companies. This transformation is not just about production, but tackles every aspect of society and the life of those who compose it.
Digital innovation helps companies to imagine and create businesses that respond to needs that are not yet manifest or even non-existent in user awareness. More and more often, the idea of digital transformation is linked to the theme of disruptive innovation, a real break with the schemes already acquired, which uses technological innovation to create products and/or services that can make a difference in the market.
Cities become Smart, as well as the objects with which people from all over the world interact daily. Public administration, albeit with some difficulty, follows the digital wake to find a better service delivery to the citizens. The market requires flexibility, personalization and agility, and companies find themselves having to manage, in this epochal passage, the experience of users and their satisfaction as a primary input that will determine their success.
The benefits of digital transformation include simplifying processes and eliminating some of the errors, benefiting from efficiency, operation, and cost reduction. While automation has led to greater efficiency, dematerialization of information leads to a different interaction between the various actors in the business. Among the trends at the helm of digital transformation we find the Internet of Things, but also Business Intelligence and Big Data management, Customer Relationship Management 4.0, Hyperconvergence, and IT as a Service.
If the Internet of Things, Business Intelligence and Big Data have become mainstream issues and have a certain transversal appeal both to companies and the general public, other approaches and solutions of great weight for the companies that are using them remain often unexplored. CRM 4.0 defines a new way of approaching the customer, a platform covering all communication channels and contact points, including mobile, managing the entire customer journey and creating value-added experience in a relevant and personalized way.
While until yesterday we were talking about integration, convergence becomes now the new password. An approach that provides a complete virtualized environment without the need for computer skills from the user, except those that allow him to choose among the various tools available. It is a new generation of IT as a Service, created to minimize compatibility issues between different components and streamline the management of the entire infrastructure.
The evolution of ICT services goes hand in hand with technology on demand and pay per use based on the momental needs. The importance of Cloud is also sanctioned by National Industry 4.0 Plan, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, which places it among the 9 strategic points for the country’s economic development.
There are, anyway, some voices out of the chorus of enthusiasts about digital transformation. Industry experts are more and more alerting about security and cybersecurity is booming in the agendas of all managers and entrepreneurs of the globe. However, it is not only data theft to worry about, but also their possible loss. In a world that is increasingly digitizing at every step of the vital processes of our economies, what would happen if for one of the many unpredictable but possible reasons the information or the technologies that keep them would get lost or destroyed irretrievably?
To answer some of the questions that the arise about the future, Bologna Business School proposes the Master in Digital Technology Management, a full-time English language program with three specific addresses: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Project Management and Cyber Security.
In addition, to bring technological excellence to the core of the enterprise innovation process, BBS offers the Executive Master in Technology and Innovation Management. To form leaders equally capable of mastering technical subjects as well as dealing with management themes.