Corinne Anna Mazurkiewicz is an Alumna of the Global MBA in BBS, track Design, Fashion and Luxury Goods, now Product Manager in Davines.
«The MBA allowed me to enhance and develop my leadership and critical thinking skills. Due to a large amount of group work and collaboration naturally found in such a program, I was able to learn tactics to enhance collaboration, streamline processes and decision making, as well as learn different leadership styles depending on the situation».
Corinne Anna Mazurkiewicz
What is your career path?
In terms of my career path, I started in the field of consulting specifically within the marketing practice which I did for three years in Toronto. After completing the MBA at BBS, I was able to transition to the beauty industry where I now work as a Product Manager. I started my journey in product development at L’Oreal in Paris, before then returning to Italy where I now work at Davines in Parma, developing high performing and sustainable products for the haircare sector.
Why did you decide to continue your education and how did you choose BBS?
I chose to continue my education in order to transition industries away from FMCG and into luxury and beauty. I specifically chose BBS because of its close affinity to beauty through its Luxury Goods Management track. BBS was an easy choice for me because of the expert taught classes by industry leading professionals. It would serve as both an excellent way to get first-hand information about the sector I would like to work in, but also as a great networking opportunity.
What skills did the Master provide you with and how did you apply them in your work?
The MBA allowed me to enhance and develop my leadership and critical thinking skills. Due to a large amount of group work and collaboration naturally found in such a program, I was able to learn tactics to enhance collaboration, streamline processes and decision making, as well as learn different leadership styles depending on the situation. What was great for me also was the opportunity to learn skills from my colleagues who had diverse backgrounds. Today, I apply them in my work by collaborating efficiently and effectively with many different teams to generate the best possible output, and ultimately launch best in class products.
What are your next professional goals?
My professional goals are to continue to develop and enhance my leadership skills through management of a team. I would also like to see more of the beauty sector expanding my horizons beyond haircare.
What is the added value of being part of the BBS Community?
I would say definitely it is the support and collaboration of my former classmates and Alumni network. I still remain in contact with a lot of my former classmates and feel a sense of “home” in Bologna created through the strong sense of community between collaborators of BBS.
What would you advise a BBS student to do?
I would advise BBS students to fully immerse themselves in the experience, inside and outside of the classroom. I would advise them to make meaningful and lasting relationships, memories, and connections with those in the BBS community. And lastly to truly be in the moment and enjoy the experience as before you know it you’re back in the real world!