Report 4

Mariolina Longo, Matteo Mura, Sara Zanni, Chiara Vagnini January 13, 2022




Among the 69 KPIs composing the observatory, the following seven meaningful metrics represent the adoption of practices oriented to the energy transition in the Italian industrial context:

  1. Energy sourced from solar panels;
  2. Energy sourced from wind turbines;
  3. Energy sourced from co-generation plants;
  4. Energy sourced from water or wind mills;
  5. Thermal coats to improve the energy efficiency of company’s buildings;
  6. Green roofs implementation over company’s buildings;
  7. ISO 50001 certification for the energy management system.

These practices are related to the energy sourcing, from solar panels, wind turbines, cogeneration plants or water mills, the promotion of energy efficiency in buildings, by the installation of thermal coats or green roofs on buildings, and, finally, the certification of the energy management system. Findings suggest that, overall, this group of practices are developed by a minority of the companies within the sample (about 6%). In terms of geographical distribution, we can observe that the adoption of such practices varies across Italian regions and presents a quite uneven and unexpected distribution. As a matter of fact, considering the overall population of companies sampled, Friuli Venezia-Giulia results the energy transition champion among regions (17% of companies implementing such practices), while other Northern and well industrialised regions are far behind (e.g. Lombardia and Piemonte, implementing such practices for 3% and 2% of the sample, respectively). Going more in detail and examining, for example, the distribution of companies implementing solar panels, we see that the TOP 5 regions are Campania, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Basilicata, Molise and Marche (between 29% and 22% of the sample). This practice is now widely supported by incentive plans, such as Transition Plan 4.0, tax credit for southern businesses, and, more recently, super bonus 110% for businesses. Considering the future perspective, the regions where organisations displayed a higher interest in implementing such practices in the near future are Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Valle D’Aosta, Molise, Marche and Toscana, ranging from 44% to 11%, respectively.


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