EFMD Programme Accreditation Executive MBA & Master in Data Science & Business Analytics | Peer Review Visit
November 27 - 30, 2023

Executive MBA XX - Closing Master

01 / 14

01 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics VIII - Students 2022/23

02 / 14

02 / 14

Executive MBA XX - Team Building 2022

03 / 14

03 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics IX - Class 2023/24

04 / 14

04 / 14

Executive MBA XXI - Cave lesson

05 / 14

05 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics IX - Team Building 2023

06 / 14

06 / 14

Executive MBA XX - Class 2022/23

07 / 14

07 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics VIII - Kick Off 2022

08 / 14

08 / 14

Executive MBA XXI - International Week 2023

09 / 14

09 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics IX - Kick Off 2023

10 / 14

10 / 14

Executive MBA XXI - Company Visit in Datalogic 2023

11 / 14

11 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics IX - Students 2023/24

12 / 14

12 / 14

Executive MBA XXI - Team Building 2023

13 / 14

13 / 14

Master in Data Science and Business Analytics VIII - TXT Hackathon

14 / 14

14 / 14
  • 7:30 PM [CET]
  • Welcome and brief introductions
  • 7:45 PM [CET]
  • Dinner in private room for the Peer Review Team (PRT) alone to set the visit agenda
  • 9:00 AM [CET]
  • Heads of academic subject areas relevant to programmes
  • Faculty profiles: qualifications; relevant research and scholarship; workload allocation and teaching loads; evaluation and development of faculty including faculty pedagogic capabilities

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 9:45 AM [CET]
  • Peer Review Team assessment of Executive MBA materials and student work
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 11:15 AM [CET]
  • Dean/Director and senior management team
  • Institutional mission and strategy; national context for the programmes; programme fit with mission; market positioning of the programmes and marketing; international and practitioner perspectives; other resources allocated to the programmes under review; for re-accreditation visits, progress towards the Areas of Required Improvement/Development Objectives

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 12:15 PM [CET]
  • Buffet lunch
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 1:00 PM [CET]
  • Programme Director and management team of the Executive MBA
  • Programme objectives & target markets; curriculum rationale and design; learning, teaching and assessment strategy; delivery and assessment methods; student selection; faculty management re programme delivery; practical learning experience; international learning experience; infrastructure and resource support; programme marketing; graduate employment; stakeholder feedback; for re-accreditation visits, progress towards the Areas of Required Improvement/Development Objectives

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 2:30 PM [CET]
  • Break
  • 2:45 PM [CET]
  • Group 1 - Faculty staff teaching on Executive MBA who deliver a particular course/module in the programme
  • Qualifications and experience; relevant scholarly activity; pedagogical approaches; student support

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 2:45 PM [CET]
  • Group 2 - Faculty staff teaching on Executive MBA who deliver a particular course/module in the programme
  • Qualifications and experience; relevant scholarly activity; pedagogical approaches; student support

    Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 4:00 PM [CET]
  • Peer Review Team further assessment of Executive MBA and preliminary assessment of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics materials and student work
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 5:00 PM [CET]
  • Group 1 - Students on Executive MBA XX
  • Student experience

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 5:00 PM [CET]
  • Group 2 - Students on Executive MBA XX
  • Student experience

    Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 5:45 PM [CET]
  • Alumni/graduates from both programmes
  • Student experience; programme value added; job profiles; support for and from alumni

    Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 5:45 PM [CET]
  • External connections for both programmes
  • Employers of programme graduates, providers of internships or placements, regular visiting speakers/lecturer

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 7:30 PM [CET]
  • Dinner in private room for the Peer Review Team alone for discussion and preliminary evaluation of Executive MBA
  • 9:00 AM [CET]
  • Programme Director and Management Team of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics
  • Programme objectives & target markets; curriculum rationale and design; delivery and assessment methods; student selection; faculty management re programme delivery; practical learning experience; international learning experience; infrastructure and resource support; programme marketing; graduate employment; stakeholder feedback

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 10:30 AM [CET]
  • Peer Review Team assessment of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics materials and student work
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 11:45 AM [CET]
  • Group 1 - Faculty staff teaching on Master in Data Science and Business Analytics who deliver a particular course/module in the programme
  • Qualifications and experience; relevant scholarly activity; pedagogical approaches; student support

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 11:45 AM [CET]
  • Group 2 - Faculty staff teaching on Master in Data Science and Business Analytics who deliver a particular course/module in the programme
  • Qualifications and experience; relevant scholarly activity; pedagogical approaches; student support

    Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 1:00 PM [CET]
  • Buffet lunch
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 1:45 PM [CET]
  • Group 1 - Students on Master in Data Science and Business Analytics VIII
  • Student experience

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 1:45 PM [CET]
  • Group 2 - Students on Master in Data Science and Business Analytics VIII
  • Student experience

    Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 2:30 PM [CET]
  • Peer Review Team further assessment of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics materials and student work
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 3:30 PM [CET]
  • Group 1 - Information & library resources; technology for pedagogy
  • Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 3:30 PM [CET]
  • Group 2 - Financial resources, generalised student support & services
  • Aula della Caccia (first floor)

  • 4:30 PM [CET]
  • Site visit
  • 5:00 PM [CET]
  • Further discussion with the Programme Directors (If required by the PRT)
  • Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 7:30 PM [CET]
  • Dinner in private room for the Peer Review Team alone for discussion and evaluation of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics
  • 9:00 AM [CET]
  • Staff responsible across all programmes for Quality Assurance
  • Quality processes and systems covering teaching quality, assessment consistency, programme reviews

    Aula del Progetto (first floor)

  • 10:00 AM [CET]
  • Final discussions and preparation of feedback
  • Sala delle Virtù (first floor)

  • 12:00 PM [CET]
  • Oral feedback to the Institution by the Peer Review Team
  • Aula del Progetto (first floor)