The mission of the Medici Summer School is to promote doctoral education and research in management studies and contribute to the development of exemplary scholarly-based practices in the management of organizations. The Medici Summer School advocates a special focus on cross-fertilizing research across North American and European traditions providing a unique educational program for qualified doctoral students interacting with thought leaders in the management field who share their knowledge and wisdom on frontier research topics.

The Medici Summer School is hosted yearly, on a rotating basis, by the three founding institutions. It combines lectures and research seminars by prominent international scholars with active engagement by participating students. Every day of the one-week program is scheduled to end with the presentation of students’ research related to the topic of the School and with a panel of senior faculty providing feedback. The School has also a tradition of hosting keynote speeches from leading practitioners as well as organizing short field trips to local places of intellectual interest, including companies, research labs, NGOs, museums, etc.

A typical day will feature a guest faculty member presenting on their research, an integrative session led by a host faculty member that explores links among the guest faculty research, and a workshop in which the host and guest faculty work with students to flesh out their own ideas, both theoretically and empirically.

Overall, students will advance in their own research via:

  1. Exposure to the cutting edge of research in this area
  2. Open discussion of key research challenges experienced by the faculty in their own research
  3. Direct feedback on how to tackle complex questions of both theory and empirics

There is no fee to participate. Selected candidates are fully covered in their accommodation expenses provided that they stay the full week. However, transportation is not covered by the organizers. Students come from all over the world.