Kick-off of the Professional Masters: an exciting start for new students

17 October 2024

On October 16, 2024, Bologna Business School welcomed the students of the Professional Masters with the Kick-off event held in the Aula Magna of Villa Guastavillani.

This event marked the official start of the academic journey for participants of the English-taught Masters. During the event, students had the opportunity to gain an overview of the courses, meet the Directors of their respective programs, and take part in team-building activities. These initiatives were designed to foster connections among participants from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds, while also familiarizing them with the School’s premises, including the New Campus, located just opposite the Villa.

A kick-off event to meet and collaborate

The Kick-off began at 2:30 p.m. with a welcome speech from Paola Giuri, Associate Dean for Professional Masters, who highlighted the importance of this initial phase as a moment of encounter and exchange between students and faculty. Following her introduction, the directors of the various programs presented their courses, outlining the skills that students will acquire during their journey. Among the speakers were Emanuele Bajo (Master in Finance and FinTech), Ludovico Bullini Orlandi and Claudia Manca (Master in Human Resources and Organization), Maurizio Gabbrielli (Master in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Management), Roberto Grandi (Master in Digital Marketing and Communication), and Claudio Sartori (Master in Data Science and Business Analytics), who offered an in-depth overview of each program’s content and objectives.

The session also included testimonies from former students, who shared their professional experiences, demonstrating the impact that the Master had on their careers. The stories told by the Alumni highlighted how the academic paths they followed provided them with a competitive edge in tackling the challenges of the global job market.

Meet & Greet with special guests

A significant part of the afternoon was the Meet & Greet with special guests, which allowed students to engage with prominent professionals from the business world. Among them were Cristian Esposito (People Analytics & Process at Bologna Airport), Jacopo Torriglia (Marketing Manager of Virtus Pallacanestro Bologna), and Pierfrancesco Melucci (PhD student in Artificial Intelligence at Sapienza University of Rome). These professionals shared their career experiences and offered valuable advice on how to build a successful career in their respective fields.

Building your community: team-building activities

One of Bologna Business School’s main objectives is to foster not only academic development but also the creation of lasting professional relationships among students. To this end, a significant portion of the Kick-off event was dedicated to an interactive team-building activity titled “Building the Master Class Together.” Divided into groups, students collaborated to define the ideal characteristics of their class, discussing how to create a collaborative and stimulating environment. The process involved several steps, starting with analyzing the current situation, identifying challenges, and proposing concrete actions to improve group cohesion.

This activity helped students get to know each other better, establish a climate of trust, and set shared goals for their academic journey. The results of this teamwork were then presented in a plenary session, encouraging discussion and dialogue among participants, laying the foundation for a supportive network that will accompany them throughout the Master’s program.

The Kick-off of the Professional Masters marked the beginning of an academic journey full of opportunities for students, both in terms of academic growth and professional development. Through a combination of presentations, testimonials, group activities, and networking moments, Bologna Business School offers its students a dynamic and stimulating environment in which to grow as professionals and individuals. This event was a crucial moment to create a sense of community and prepare students to face the challenges of their journey with a spirit of collaboration and openness.


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